When You May Want To See A Cosmetic Dentist
Cosmetic dentists concentrate on enhancing the appearance of teeth. Although cosmetic dental work might seem like an unnecessary expense, it can do wonders for your self-esteem. If you are not satisfied with the appearance of your smile, seeing a cosmetic dentist may be worth it.
Here are a few signs you may want to see a cosmetic dentist.
Crooked Teeth
Crooked teeth are a common cosmetic dental concern among adults. They can definitely make you feel insecure about your smile.
What To Know About The Different Types Of Toothpastes
Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed when shopping for toothpaste at the store? If so, it may be worth asking your family dentist during your next checkup about what they think is best. While many of them have the same ingredients, you may be wondering what the differences are between them all. Here is what you need to know about your different options and ingredients for toothpaste.
When you look at the back of a package of toothpaste in the store, you are likely going to see a big panel with all of the drug facts on the box.
Reasons You Should Choose Tooth Implants
A missing tooth can affect you in more ways than just the physical appearance of a gap. You may not realize it, but a missing tooth can alter the jawbone structure and, eventually, your facial appearance. Gaps in your dental structure also affect the adjacent teeth by creating a breeding space for bacteria, which might cause infections.
Fortunately, artificial tooth implants are a viable corrective solution to missing teeth. Tooth implants are essentially replicas of natural teeth, with the significant difference that implants' roots are metallic.
Signs You Need A Dental Crown
Dental crowns are pretty effective when it comes to repairing injured teeth. So, if you aren't looking to get a dental extraction, you should get a dental crown. But when do you get a dental crown fixed? Well, here are indicators that dental crowns might come in handy for you.
You Have Had a Large Filling
Assuming you have a badly decaying tooth but are not ready to extract it, you should contemplate getting a filling.
4 Family Dentist Tips To Prevent Peri-Implantitis
Tooth implants restore your natural smile, offer a lasting solution, and improve the confidence of most patients. These benefits explain their popularity among people looking for tooth replacement treatments. Like any other invasive procedure, implant placement might expose you to infections, sometimes known as peri-implantitis. The peri-implant disease causes inflammation around the gums, reducing the procedure's success rates. So, what can you do to curb the risk? The following are some family dentist tips to help you prevent infections after surgery.
Which Sedation Option Is Right For You?
Sedation dentistry is popular for a reason. It helps people who are afraid of the dentist or nervous about a procedure receive important dental care. If you are expecting to undergo a dental procedure, you may request some form of sedation.
So, which sedation option is right for you? These are some of the sedation options you should consider.
Mild Oral Sedative
An oral sedative can provide mild pain relief. The dentist will have you take a pill before your appointment.
Why Do Toddlers Need To See The Dentist?
Getting a toddler to sit still in the dentist's chair is not always easy. Some toddlers find the dentist scary, and others are just wiggly and a little impatient. Since getting your toddler through a dental appointment is not always easy, you may be tempted to just skip this care. But that is not a wise idea. Toddlers really do need to see the dentist for the reasons discussed below.
Why Choose a Family Dentist?
If you've put off your dental care, you may now be at that point in your life where you are finally realizing how important preventative dental care is. You may now have children, and you want to teach them all about the things they can do to be healthier throughout their lives. One of the things you should educate them on is the importance of going to the dentist regularly. Once you are ready to lead by example and make sure you and your family receive ongoing dental care, consider a family dentist.
5 Cosmetic Dental Services
Some people avoid smiling when they don't like what they see when they look in the mirror. However, there's no reason to hide your smile. Cosmetic dentistry gives dentists the tools to change things that patients don't like about their smiles. Cosmetic dentistry can change the shape, color, and placement of your teeth. Here are some ways that a cosmetic dentist can help you shape and enhance your smile:
1. Teeth Whitening
4 Differences Between A Family Dentist And A General Dentist
There are several types of dentistry, such a family dentistry and a general dentistry. Getting to know the different types of dentistry can help you to make the right choice when selecting a dentist. Although family dentists are similar to general dentists in some ways, there are some notable differences between these two types.
1. Family dentists don't have an age cap
General dentists and family dentists both offer similar services, such as dental fillings, tooth extraction, dental cleanings, and checkups.