3 Questions To Ask Your Orthodontist

If you are thinking about making a change to your smile, orthodontics may be the right option for your needs. Braces and other orthodontic appliances can align your teeth and create a healthier and more attractive smile. However, before you start treatment, there are a few things that you should consider. The process of getting a more aligned smile can be expensive and time-consuming. Here are three questions that you should ask your orthodontist before you start treatment:

What Are My Options?

From traditional metal braces to plastic aligners and everything in between, there are plenty of orthodontic devices that can help you get the results you desire. However, you may not be a candidate for certain types of braces. Some options, such as lingual braces, are difficult to install and are not offered by every orthodontist. Other options, such as clear plastic aligners, may not give you the results you want. The first thing that you should do when you visit the orthodontist is find out what options will work for your needs. There may be a few treatments that will not work for you.

How Much Will It Cost?

Another question you should ask your orthodontist is how much your treatment will cost. Prices vary depending on the orthodontic treatment. The difficulty of your case and the length of your treatment will also impact the total cost. The average cost of braces is between $5,000 and $6,000. Some pay as little as $3,000 for their treatment, and others pay upwards of $10,000. Your orthodontist will be able to provide you an estimate of how much your treatment will cost. Many even offer payment plans for their services.

How Often You Will Need to See Them?

If you are going through orthodontic treatment, you will need to visit the orthodontist regularly for adjustments. This is the case for any orthodontic appliance, including clear plastic aligners. For most people, a visit to the orthodontist office is needed every 4 to 10 weeks. You will also need to make a daily commitment to your treatment. For the best results, you will need to follow your orthodontist's instructions and make it to your appointments as needed. Not being committed will slow down your progress and extend your treatment time.

If you are thinking about orthodontics, there are a few things that you should ask your orthodontist. First, some treatments may not give you the results you want -- your orthodontist will guide you to the right treatment. It's also important to ask about costs, as some treatments are more expensive than others. Orthodontics also involve a time commitment and making it to regular appointments with the orthodontist. Asking how often you will need to visit is essential.
